This directorate has 2 departments i.e.; the department of Cultural affairs and the department of community engagement. The Cultural affairs department is headed by chairperson/ head of department whereas the community engagement department is headed by head of department / Foundation coordinator.
The role culture plays in our society in terms of preservation of morals is immense. A society without cultural values is like a floating weed which flourish on the surface but because it has not a single root touching the ground, it’s always awaiting any slight wave to sway it in any direction. Because our society is increasingly ignoring the importance of culture in shaping social behavior, the level of moral decadence has been exacerbated. Lubowa Ssebina Foundation recognizes the importance of culture, that’s why it works with cultural establishments and structures to contribute to all aspects intended to preserve morals and cultural values.
Lubowa Ssebina Foundation intends to run fully-fledged programs coordination offices. The responsibilities of those offices will be to monitor program activities and offer immediate feedback to the concerned departments. This department will also be responsible for arranging community engagement activities from all sections of our society. While this is a responsibility for this department, it doesn’t deprive of the other departments planning and implementing activities related to their departments.